


Applicants will be contacted separately to confirm the venue for each course. Please be sure to confirm the venue for all courses as different courses may be held at different venues.


Discounted rates

Available discount rates are as below. All prices include tax.

◎ 35-day early bird discounts

To apply package application discounts, course fees must be paid 35 days before the course.

Course/discount name Summary Price(incl. tax) Discounts
Fundamentals to ORSC Series Package Course Available when applying for the Fundamentals of ORSC and four ORSC Series courses as a package. 811,800 yen 90,200 yen
ORSC Series Package Course Available when applying for the four ORSC Series courses as a package. 712,800 yen 79,200 yen
Fundamentals to ORSC Series Package Course
Summary: Available when applying for the Fundamentals of ORSC and four ORSC Series courses as a package.
Price(incl. tax): 811,800 yen
Discounts: 90,200 yen
ORSC Series Package Course
Summary: Available when applying for the four ORSC Series courses as a package.
Price(incl. tax): 712,800 yen
Discounts: 79,200 yen
◎ Certification program early bird discounts

To apply package application discounts, course fees must be paid 45 days before the course.

Course/discount name Summary Price(incl. tax) Discounts
Certification program Available when applying a one-time payment for Certification Program. 1,150,000yen 115,000yen
Certification program
Available when applying a one-time payment for Certification Program.
Price(incl. tax):1,150,000yen
◎ Special Alchemy Course discount

Pair and 35-day early bird discounts of up to 10% are available. Click here and contact us for details.

* Each discount cannot be combined with other discounts.

* Please note that in cases where there is an extended period between your application and attending courses due to schedule changes or booking provisionally, additional fees may be charged due to price changes etc. that occur prior to the date of attendance.


Cancellations and schedule changes

If you wish to cancel or change the dates of your course after paying the course fee, a handling fee will be charged based on our cancellation policy. Please be sure to read this policy before applying.
If you wish to cancel or change the dates of your course, please contact CRR Global Japan by email.
Email address: info@crrglobaljapan.com
Please note that this cancellation policy may change without notice.

◎ Fundamentals of ORSC
Cancellations and schedule changes prior to course Handling fee (excl. tax)
Up to 15 days in advance of the first
day of the course (*1)
Between 14 (*2) and 2 days
(*1) in advance
1 day (*2) in
advance/on the day
Free 30,000 yen 100% of course fee
Handling fee (excl. tax)
Cancellations and schedule changes prior to course
Up to 15 days in advance of the first day of the course (*1) Free
Between 14 (*2) and 2 days (*1) in advance 30,000 yen
1 day (*2) in advance/on the day 100% of course fee
◎ ORSC Series
Cancellations and schedule changes prior to course Handling fee (excl. tax)
Up to 35 days in advance of
the first day of the course (*1)
Between 34 (*2) and
15 days (*1) in advance
Between 14 (*2) and
2 days (*1) in advance
1 day (*2) in
advance/on the day
Free 20,000 yen 50,000 yen 100% of course fee
Handling fee (excl. tax)
Cancellations and schedule changes prior to course
Up to 35 days in advance of the first day of the course (*1) Free
Between 34 (*2) and 15 days (*1) in advance 20,000 yen
Between 14 (*2) and 2 days (*1) in advance 50,000 yen
1 day (*2) in advance/on the day 100% of course fee
◎ Certification Program
Cancellations and schedule changes prior to course Handling fee (excl. tax)
Up to 45 days in advance of
the first day of the course (*1)
Between 44 (*2) and
15 days (*1) in advance
Between 14 (*2) and
2 days (*1) in advance
1 day (*2) in
advance/on the day
Free 150,000 yen 250,000 yen 400,000 yen
Handling fee (excl. tax)
Cancellations and schedule changes prior to course
Up to 45 days in advance of the first day of the course (*1) Free
Between 44 (*2) and 15 days (*1) in advance 150,000 yen
Between 14 (*2) and 2 days (*1) in advance 250,000 yen
1 day (*2) in advance/on the day 400,000 yen
after starting the course
Handling fee (excl. tax)
Up to the end of the 2nd month
after the start date (*1)
Between the beginning
of the 3rd month
and the end of the 4th
month after the start date (*1)
Between the beginning
of the 5th month
and the end of the 6th
month after the start date (*1)
7 months or more
after the start date (*2)
400,000 yen 560,000 yen 720,000 yen 100% of course fee
Cancellations after starting the course
Up to the end of the 2nd month
after the start date (*1)
400,000 yen
Between the beginning
of the 3rd month
and the end of the 4th
month after the start date (*1)
560,000 yen
Between the beginning
of the 5th month
and the end of the 6th
month after the start date (*1)
720,000 yen
7 months or more
after the start date (*2)
100% of course fee
◎ Alchemy Course
Cancellations and schedule changes prior to course Handling fee (excl. tax)
Up to 35 days in advance of
the first day of the course (*1)
Between 34 (*2) and
15 days (*1) in advance
Between 14 (*2) and
2 days (*1) in advance
1 day (*2) in
advance/on the day
Free 20,000 yen 50,000 yen 100% of course fee
Handling fee (excl. tax)
Cancellations and schedule changes prior to course
Up to 35 days in advance of the first day of the course (*1) Free
Between 34 (*2) and 15 days (*1) in advance 20,000 yen
Between 14 (*2) and 2 days (*1) in advance 50,000 yen
1 day (*2) in advance/on the day 100% of course fee

The dates of the Alchemy Course cannot be changed.

◎ Package Applications

Handling fees for cancellations and schedule changes are the same as for the ORSC Series.

*1: Emails must be received by 11:59pm
*2: Emails received from 12:00am
* The written notification(email) to cancel a course must be received by 11:59 pm on the prescribed relevant date of each.



Paid course fees will be refunded after the applicable handling fee has been subtracted. Any bank transfer fees incurred when issuing refunds are to be borne by the customer, except in cases where cancellations or date changes are instigated by CRR Global Japan.


Repeating uncompleted courses

Participants who are absent from the Fundamentals of ORSC or the ORSC Series courses for one hour or longer due to arriving late, leaving early or leaving the room during the session are not considered to have completed the course.
In order to proceed to the next course, participants are required to attend the Fundamentals of ORSC course for two full days and each ORSC Series course for three full days.
The reason is that this is an ICF-accredited program and each course is linked to and builds on of all of the content from the previous one.
Please note participants wishing to repeat uncompleted courses will be charged 50% of the regular course fee.
* If you wish to re-enroll in a course you have already completed, please refer to “06: Re-enrollment”.



Participants wishing to re-enroll in the Fundamentals of ORSC, the ORSC Series or the Alchemy course that they have already completed may do so for 70% of the regular course fee.
* If you wish to repeat a course you have not yet completed, please refer to “05: Repeating uncompleted courses”.


Issuing of invoices and receipts

You will be asked if you wish to have an invoice or receipt when making your application.
Please inform us of your desired addressee when requesting an invoice or receipt.

Addressing of receipts will be handled as follows.

- When paying by bank transfer:
Receipts will be addressed to the account holder. Receipts cannot be addressed to persons other than the account holder.

- When paying by credit card:
As the cardholder name cannot be confirmed, in principle receipts will be issued with the participant as the addressee.
If you wish to receive a receipt with another name, i.e. a company name etc., as the addressee, the requested name will be included after the participant’s name.

If you wish to request a corporate invoice, please inform us of predetermined settlement dates (ex. end of the month following the invoice date, etc.) if any, at the time of your application.
Please note that invoices are not available to issue for credit card payments.


Minimum number of participants

A minimum number of participants has been established for each course.
If applied participants have not been reached to a minimum number two weeks prior to the course, the course will be canceled and participants will be refunded in full.


Differences between in-person and virtual courses

Basically, both the content and the experience are the same.

The only difference is whether the communication takes place in person or virtually. At the same time, we expect your impression of the course to be quite different depending on your situation and learning style.
Therefore, we think it is best if you choose a method based on the style you are more likely to provide your sessions to your clients, if you were to run your own sessions in the future.

It is important to note that the in-person course requires you to travel to the venue, mostly in the center of Tokyo, each day and to complete a coaching homework in which you conduct a systems coaching session with non-participants before the next session, after the end of the first day for the Fundamentals of ORSC and the second day for the ORSC Series.
In the case of the virtual courses, there is approximately one week between the end of the first day of the Fundamentals of ORSC/the second day of the ORSC Series and the next session. This means that you have more time to complete the coaching homework than in the in-person courses.
For the virtual courses, however, you will need to have a good internet connection and an environment where you can concentrate on the workshop. Please be aware that the virtual course will take about an hour longer than the in-person course each time.


Coaching Homework during the course

After the first day of the Fundamentals of ORSC course/the second day of the ORSC Series courses, you will be asked to conduct a systems coaching homework in which you will coach two people or more in a relationship. For example, this could be people who are going to do something together or sharing the common goal, specifically a couple, a parent and a child, work colleagues, project team members, etc.. If they have a topic to talk about, it is easier for the coach to work with them. Please note that people you coach here cannot be your peer participants learning with you in the course. It is also best to avoid close family members or close friends in order to get the most out of this homework.

As this homework is an important part of the experiential learning ORSC program, please make sure to set this up as a proper appointment in advance. The coach (yourself) and the clients - all need to be in one environment (either in-person or virtual) where you can hear each other and talk as a group. The session should be from 45 minutes to an hour at most.


About My Page

If you are signing up for ORSC courses for the first time, please register by logging in to My Page.
You can check the details of your application on My Page.
If you have not yet booked a course, you can confirm your booking on My Page.
You can also change your e-mail address, mailing address and other registered information on My Page.



The ORSC program is an Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP) accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and a certificate is issued upon completion of each course.
The Fundamentals of ORSC (12 CCE), the ORSC Series (4 courses) (72 CCE) (equivalent to 18 CCE each) and the Certification Course (96.5 CCE) are all core competencies. On successful completion of the Certification Course, you will get certified by CRR Global as ORSCC (Organization and Relationship Systems Certified Coach).


We welcome any questions or inquiries.
Contact us using the form below.
The person in charge will get back
to you shortly.