Systems Coaching training courses to be able to freely design
your own
approach to working with diverse systems

ORSC Series


About four courses of ORSC Series

The ORSC Series (four courses) builds on the Fundamentals of ORSC to teach three dimensions for working with systems; Relationship Systems Intelligence, Systems Geography and Relationship Path, before integrating these approaches in the final course, Systems Integration.
By gaining an understanding various characteristics of systems and the theory behind them in addition to gaining practical experience through specific case studies, you will learn to examine a system, design an appropriate approach and ensure that it functions as a whole.


Relationship Systems
Intelligence course

Course Overview

The theme of the Relationship Systems Intelligence course is ‘Roadmap to Change’. Change is inevitable, ever-present and necessary. Therefore, the ability to steer change is a sign of a healthy system. This course explores and clarifies the role that hard-to-catch signals and emotions play in our relationship systems.

What you will learn on this course

The relationship system, as a living organism, is constantly changing. This course will share the wisdom that underpins such change and transformation: how the relational system changes, what its characteristics are, how emotions move with it, and how we can navigate these changes. You will also learn the theory and practice of dealing with and supporting systemic change.

Examples of the tools and skills
you will learn on this course

Change Theory; Reading emotional field;
Skills to unfold signals; Deep Democracy
Process; and tools to increase positivity.

What you will gain from the Relationship Systems Intelligence course

  • The ability to understand the ever-changing relationship system (Change Theory; Reading emotional field)
  • Operating System (OS) for dealing with the tools and skills used in ORSC
  • The ability to capture the smallest changes in the system (Unfolding signals)
  • The ability to understand how to engage with organizations based on the conditions required for organizational change
  • Mastery of Deep Democracy Process (DDP), a tool that enables you to identify the current situation and create action plans based on the information coming from eliciting a wide range of opinions at various levels from a large group of people, organizations and teams (Deep Democracy Process)
  • The ability to increase the positivity of systems by realizing the possibilities inherent in the various systems of relationships between two people


Systems Geography course

Course Overview

The theme of the Systems Geography course is ‘Roles and Structures’ in relationships. In order for relationships to be orderly and predictable, people create agreements, roles and rules. In a system, these decisions naturally form 'geographical structures'. This course explores how to recognize and nurture those structures.

What you will learn on this course

This Systems Geography course deals with the diversity of systems and their structures and roles. Nothing is wasted in a system and every element has a role and a place. The course promotes a mutual understanding of diversity and gives participants the tools and methods to support dynamic integration.

Examples of the systems coaching tools
and skills you will learn on this course

Roles (outer and inner); Lands Work®;
Secret Self; Ghost and Time Spirit.

What you will gain from the Systems Geography course

  • An understanding of the structure and workings of the system which underpins all types of relationships (e.g. outer and inner roles)
  • An understanding of the need to update the structure of the system from time to time to avoid role nausea by fixed roles that can emerge over time
  • A clear model and tools for working with the problems caused by diversity in relationships (My Land, Your Land, Our Land)
  • The ability to identify the role of the inner self (‘Secret Self’) in relationships and learn the tools for coaching it
  • Awareness of the impact of cultural bias on the system and the tools to coach it
  • The tools to create a deep empathy for diversity in personal relationships and organizations, and how to make creative use of difference


Relationship Path course

Course Overview

The theme of the Relationship Path course is ‘Visions and Potentials’. Relationships naturally have inherent power to create something. From the moment two or more people come together, the Third Entity® begins to create something. The system itself becomes more conscious and intentional about what it is creating, allowing for clearer choices.

What you will learn on this course

Many systems often struggle to solve problems because of what they can see. Systems are like icebergs, containing a wealth of potential that has not yet been realized. In this course, you will learn how to approach the system to unlock its potential and realize what it really wants to become.

Examples of the systems coaching tools
and skills you will learn on this course

The Three Levels of Reality;
High Dream/Low Dream; Original Myth
and Myth Change; Meta-Skill Wheel;
and Bringing Down the Vision.

What you will gain from the Relationship Path course

  • Knowledge and application of the Three Levels of Reality, and how important they are for the healthy functioning of all kinds of systems
  • The ability to express and coach your hopes and fears, both conscious and unconscious, that are affecting the relationship (High Dream/Low Dream)
  • Knowledge of the deeper meanings of each system, the theories behind them and the tools to support your clients in becoming aware of the meaning of their systems. (The origins of relationship myths and the inevitable changes in myths, Original Myth and Myth Change)
  • The tools to consciously and intentionally create emotional fields in your actual coaching situations (Meta-Skill Wheel)
  • The tools you can use to turn your organization’s vision into reality (Bringing Down the Vision)
  • At least three tools to explore the possibilities inherent in systems beyond the “individual”


Systems Integration course

Course Overview

Also known as ‘the Dojo’, this course integrates all of the ORSC wisdom you will have learned so far into practical coaching practices. Specifically, you will experience interviewing, assessing systems, designing tools and working with systems in a way that is simulated to practice in the field.
The experience of stepping into a real system gives participants the opportunity to reflect on themselves as practitioners.

What you will learn on the Systems Integration course

As you move from individual and paired coaching to groups and organizations, you will begin to walk as a World Worker, which means you influence the world's consciousness through your actions. You will learn new meta-skills that are needed in this transition. You will also experience group or team coaching, which takes place when working with two or more people, using scenarios. Through this experience, you will integrate the tools and skills you will have learned so far.

Examples of the systems coaching tools
and skills you will learn on this course

World Work Metaskills;
Group or Team Coaching; Diagnosing a system

What you will gain from the Systems Integration course

  • An opportunity to combine the skills you have learned to deal with different scenarios, practice individual tools and develop your understanding of meta-skills
  • An understanding of the differences between the Three Dimensions of Relationship Systems Intelligence, Systems Geography and Relationship Path and how they are used in Systems Coaching®
  • Integration of the skills and tools you have learned so far and practice using them flexibly in different situations
  • Increased confidence as a systems coach, consultant, therapist or counsellor
  • New practical tools and skills will be added to your coaching toolkit
  • Training in group and team coaching, giving you the ability to create a community of peers to learn from

Course Length and Fee

  • Length: 3 days for each course
  • Price: 198,000 yen (incl. tax) for each course
  • CCE: 18 ICF CCE units for each course / Total 72 ICF CCE Units for four courses of ORSC Series

* Please note that this course is currently provided only in Japanese.
* Package applications offer a cost-effective training solution. Click here for details on discount rates.

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