
This page describes some key terms relating to Systems Coaching.

Systems Theory
In systems theory, individuals are considered to be systems that exist within a larger system of personal and professional relationships. ORSC (Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching) considers the system (relationships) to exist as a different type of entity than the people and individual elements that are its component parts.
Process Work
Process oriented psychology was developed by a physicist and Jungian psychoanalyst Arnold Mindell and was influenced by Jungian psychology, physics and Taoism. As in Taosim, process work is based on discovering what is occurring in the now. In this paradigm, whatever is happening in front of us is just the beginning of something that is developing, and every event or situation carries inherent wisdom within it. From a process work perspective, systems coaches continuously try to ascertain what is beginning to occur in the system (relationships), believing in and seeking the insight contained in this occurrence.
Deep Democracy
Advocated by the afore-mentioned Arnold Mindell, deep democracy embodies the idea that every voice of every person is needed to properly represent reality. It recognizes that the world is not sufficiently understood. For an individual, it means being open to all voices, emotions, and movements within oneself. This includes not only that which we already know and are aware of, but also fears and unfamiliar elements. For a system, it means valuing the views of every member.
Lands Work
It is normal for different teams and organizations to have different atmospheres, cultures and norms. However, in many cases proceeding without addressing these differences gives rise to misunderstanding and confrontation. These tools promote mutual understanding through dialog in such cases by expressing internal elements such as atmospheres, cultures and norms through the metaphor of “land”.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ),
Social Intelligence (SI),
Relationship Systems Intelligence (RSI)
Daniel Goleman defines emotional intelligence (EQ) as the ability to experience, identify, and properly express the emotions of an individual and social intelligence (SI) as the ability to accurately interpret and empathize with the emotions of others.
The domain of relationship systems intelligence (RSI) lies beyond that of EQ and SI. With RSI, the focus shifts from oneself or individual members to the individual and then to the system (relationships) of partnerships and teams as an organism in and of itself.
In other words, RSI is the ability to take what is occurring in the invisible system (relationships), what is being felt, and the current place, mood and atmosphere, then express them in words and get the system to function effectively.
Outer Roles
Outer roles are superficial roles that aim to maintain the visible and functional aspects of the system (relationships). For example, outer roles in the home include cooking, cleaning, making money, and picking up the children from school. Outer roles in an organization are positions such as president, financial officer or secretary. The clear definition of outer roles through elements such as job descriptions and organizational charts is essential to the successful running of an organization.
At the same time, problems can occur when people become one with their outer roles. For example, if someone always cooks for their family, themselves and others, they may come to be considered “the chef”. However, in reality the role is making food, it is not that person.
Roles should be understood as functions belonging to systems (relationships) rather than as people. This means that the same role within the system (relationships) can be played by someone else.
Systems coaches help clients to understand the importance of roles in the system (relationships) and discuss and agree on how these roles can be carried out among the members of that system.
Inner Roles
Inner roles are underlying roles that support the invisible, emotional aspects of the system (relationships). We are often unaware of the inner roles that we play and important values lie behind them. Examples of inner roles include people who make new proposals, people who say things that may be unpopular, kind people who nurture others and people who listen to complaints. These inner roles™ are an integral part of the system and each person in the system fulfills the functions of these roles as needed.
As with outer roles, problems can occur when people become one with their inner roles. For example, if serious issues in an organization are always raised by the same person, other members of the team will expect them to play that role every time. The system (relationships) needs someone to fulfill the role of the person who raises issues, but there is no need for a specific person to carry that responsibility single-handedly. If that person leaves the organization, someone else will quickly assume that role.
Systems coaches are aware of such roles in a system (relationships), recognize when aversion, confusion, the need for new roles and dissatisfaction arise from fixed roles, and support members to be more conscious about feeling free to share their inner roles.
Relationship Myth
Every important relationship, whether they be personal or professional, has a story or “myth” around the connection.
Remembering the reason why people came together revives positive energy as if pumping water from a deep well. “Myths” show the deep meaning of each relationship. Couples can remember the moment they first met, and team members can remember their motivations for working in their chosen company or profession.
This is one of the most powerful ways to promote positivity in both professional and personal relationships. By remembering the starting point of our connection with the system (relationships), we remember mutual respect, affection and praise. In addition, even in organizations where being busy and overworking are commonplace, connecting with the starting point of a job allows the client to rediscover spiritual fulfillment and passion for their work.
Three Levels of Reality
Proposed by Arnold Mindell, who developed process work, this model shows how material from the quantum level emerges into our everyday reality. All of our experiences begin at the sentient essence level, or quantum level. They then move to the dreaming level before finally emerging in a recognizable form on the consensus reality level. Everything that happens in the system (relationships) takes place on these three levels of reality at the same time. For this reason, it is important for systems coaches to recognize and work with what is occurring on each level. In addition, in order for the system to grow, all three levels must be experienced in a conscious manner.
This concept was proposed by Amy Mindell, the partner of Arnold Mindell, the developer of process work. In Systems Coaching, MetaSkills are the emotional attitudes and philosophies possessed by the systems coach that transcend skills and have an effect on the “space”. We need to understand that we are always influencing the “space”, whether consciously or unconsciously, and systems coaches use MetaSkills to become conscious and purposeful in the “space” that they create themselves.

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